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The Book "FLIGHT" by Artem Chukov
Read this book for yourself, and share it with your children.
v Everything you need to say to your children is right here.
v Everything your children want to hear from you is right here.
v Everything you need to say to yourself to make your children happy is right here.
v And everything you need to be happy is right here.

Imagine encountering yourself as a child or teenager. What words of wisdom would you impart? What whispers of reassurance did you crave from adults back then? "FLIGHT", a revelatory book, ignites these burning questions and more. In an unconventional narrative, it delves into the mysteries of our world, unveiling the secrets of human nature. It's a poignant journey of self-discovery, exploring the hidden depths of our capabilities and the relentless pursuit of truth. The unexpected denouement adds a layer of intrigue, making you yearn to revisit the captivating dialogues woven within its pages. Believe me, this captivating and enigmatic tale will enthrall you. You'll find yourself drawn back to its depths again and again, each encounter revealing new revelations.

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© Artem Chukov, 2019-2024.
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